

相信自己英语演讲2025 篇1

People say that self-confidence is half of the success that can bring youcourage to stick to what you do. Without self-confidence, one can not do well inanything. Self-confidence is of great importance and value to a person.

Firstly, self-confidence enables us to have the ambition of beingsuccessful. Only when you have the ambition to be successful, can you besuccessful eventually. Secondly, once we gain self-confidence, we will possessthe courage and strength to overcome the setbacks and difficulties. Withself-confidence, no one and nothing can stop you to success.Thirdly, withself-confidence we may accomplish something which seems to be impossiblepreviously. No great thing is easy for us, therefore we should hold the ideathat anything is possible. We should, or have to trust in ourselves.

In short, self-confidence is the spiritual pillar of a person as well asthe inherent power, which is of great importance and value to a person.

相信自己英语演讲2025 篇2

Some people say that self-confidence is the most beautiful. Confidence is asense of certainty about their, no matter how others see you, treat yourselfconfident can never stingy. Self-confidence can you loose the burden in theheart, like a bird free flying, tell you not a little bird. More confident, lifewill be more beautiful.


May be destined to a person's character, it is not easy to change. But ifeveryone into confident on their own elements, their life will become morecolorful, more open. You may ask why you are confident? I think: confidence +opportunity = success. So self-confidence is indispensable auxiliary conditions.Everyone thinks oneself from birth, fate dominate everything, all want to followthe path of destiny. If you have such idea, may be you are wrong. Destiny ismaster in your hand, opportunity is in your side. The you find place, it did notwork. Don't let the chance to run out in front of you, the first to catch theopportunities, of course. However, get the opportunities, of course, is a goodthing. But people have the opportunity to don't you will achieve success. Somepeople often suffer from failure tripping, overwhelm be heavy setbacks, letthese people thought he was a mediocre person, chance on them. Success willbecome very slim. So have the opportunity is important, the most important thingis that you have confidence. Even if you get upset about my setbacks, as long asyou have a good mood, have full confidence in myself. Believe that failure andfrustration on you again, can also be solved. So self-confidence is veryimportant for a person, even if you don't have too much talent, have theconfidence you have into a big step away from success than others. AlbertEinstein said, confidence is to take the first step to success. So people shouldhave confidence, also need confidence in life.

可能一个人的性格是注定的,不容易改变的。但如果每个人在自己的身上都注入自信的元素,自己的人生才会变得更加精彩,更加的开阔。也许你会问人为什么要有自信?我认为:自信+机会=成功。所以自信是不可缺少的辅助条件。每个人都认为自己从出生开始,命运主宰一切,都要跟随这条命运之路走下去。如果你有这样的想法,可能你就错了。其实命运就掌握在你手上,机会就在你身旁。踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费功夫。别让这些摆在你面前的机会流走,首当其冲的当然要捉住机遇。不过,得到这些机会当然是件好事。可是拥有了机会的人可不一定会获得成功。有些人屡屡的遭受失败的绊倒,被挫折重重的压倒,让这些人以为自己是个碌碌无为的人,机会放在他们身上。成功就会变得很渺茫。所以有了机会固然重要,最重要的是你是否拥有自信。即使你被挫折打败了,只要你有好的心态,对自己有充分的自信。相信再多的失败和挫折在你身上,也能迎刃而解。所以自信对一个人来说是很重要的,即使你没有太多的才能,有了自信你已经比别人离成功进了一大步。爱因斯坦说过,自信是向成功迈出的第一步 。所以人应该要有自信,生活中也需要自信。

The colour of life more and more beautiful. The reason is that everyone isdifferent, look at the point of view of the world depends on your mindset. Abright and cheerful disposition, confident people tend to think the outsideworld is wonderful, instead you will feel it is all under the gray.


Living on his own shortcomings too persistent, this will give youself-confidence greatly diminished. Measure their feet well in my heart, youwill find yourself actually also has advantages.


So life need confidence, because confidence makes you more beautiful.


相信自己英语演讲2025 篇3

There are no two identical people exist in the world, but most successfulpeople are similar in many ways. Good character is the foundation of success.Most of successful people are modest, diligent and creative etc. In my opinion,being confident, honest, and persevere are the three important keys to the doorof success.

There is an old saying that confident is the first step to succeed. Supposethat a person is not confident, how he gets trust from others. A singer singingin the stage without nervous means he is confident. Public speakers expresstheir opinions to others without tension which also means he is confident.Confidence offers people courage to overcome difficulties, what’s more, ifpeople believe themselves, they may meet more opportunities that they had neverthought about.

The second key helps people succeed is honesty. There is no denying thatmost of friendships are based on honesty and most of businesses are based onfriendship. Honest people are easy to get others’ respect and people oftenprefer to cooperate with the honest ones rather than liars. It’s obvious that noone could tolerate a friend always tell lies. China have a famous story which isabout a shepherd boy who wants to play farmers and lie to them a wolf is coming.After he lies to them twice, a wolf is really appears, when he asks them forhelp, no one believe him anymore.

Beside what I talk about above, I consider that perseverance is anessential personality to people who want to succeed. Everyone will meetproblems, but not everyone could insist. In fact, perseverance is anotherattitude which belongs to optimistic. A famous saying is that difficulty is likea spring which weakens in face of a strong-willed but strengthens in face of afaint-hearted. When people run into problems, as long as they persevere, theywill be closed to success.

To conclusion, everyone has his personality. Kindhearted people make othersfeel warm, and humorous guys bring happiness to people; enthusiastic ones couldeasy be on good terms with others. Sometimes people’s personality decide whothey are, even who they want to be.

相信自己英语演讲2025 篇4

Currently, self-confidence has become the order of our life, which improvesthe theory that nothing is more valuable than self-confidence.

It is obvious that self-confidence means trust in one’s ability. If we arefull of self-confidence, we’ll have creative power to live and work, helping ussuccess or dreams come true. On the contrary, if we have no confidence inourselves, there will be little possibilities for us to win. We’ll always facefailure.

What’s more, no one can deny another fact that self-confidence gives uslight when we walk in the dark and courage when we face stumbling blocks. Withself-confidence, we can achieve goals in our life.

相信自己英语演讲2025 篇5

When I was a little girl, I didn’t live a happy life. Because I was notable to do what my mom and teachers wanted me to do.


I didn’t get high marks. I liked doing things that they thought not properenough. Only dad was on my side.


He encouraged me to do what I liked. He told me to believe in myseff. Heknew that I loved playing the violin, so he bought one for me and asked someoneto teach me. Joozone


Now I was very good at it. I once played abroad and get the third prize ina world violin contest for children.


I would become an excellent violin player if I worked hard and alwaysbelieved in myself.


相信自己英语演讲2025 篇6

From the moment we are born, our destiny had been set. It is the start of our life. As a little child, we go to school and are curious to everything in the world. When we get older, we tend to understand the function in this world. We start to think, sometimes wonder about life. Next thing we know, we are growing up. The world is changing, and our life is changing everyday. Right now, this particular moment in our life, we think again. We have we done in our life? Are we successful? Are we rich? Are we happy? And flashbacks starts, the memories took charge of our brain. We reflect to ourselves, we question ourselves. Why are we not successful? Why are we not rich? Why are we not happy? Then, we need to ask how. How to be successful? How to be rich? How to be happy? With the questions, we figure out the answers. One of the dominating techqniue to be successful is first start from yourself. Believe in yourself. If you don't believe in what you can do, then who else? If you don't care about yourself, then who else? Trust your feelings, believe that you can do it. And as long as you hold that thought, nothing, nothing can stop you. The successful future right ahead of you are led by a pathway called belief.

相信自己英语演讲2025 篇7

This cartoon humorously presents a scene of a football game with the tworivals facing each other. The striker on one team is preparing to make adecisive shoot while the goal-keeper on the opposite team is posing for defence.However, under overwhelming pressure both of them are losing their confidence.The striker magnifies the goal-keeper in his mind so that chances of shooting inare slim. Likewise, the goal-keeper minimizes his own image as if he couldn’tdefend the goal successfully.


Apparently, the purpose of the picture is to emphasize the importance ofself-confidence in our daily life. On account of the quickening pace of life,competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, imposing tremendouspressure on all individuals. The past few years have witnessed dramatic increasein the difficulty of examinations and employment. We must maintain powerfulself-confidence and optimism in the face of challenges so as to survive andsucceed. Suppose we are inclined to overestimate our rivals or problems andneglect our ability, we will become hesitating and doubtful of ourselves, unableto fulfill even a simple task. Therefore, it is necessary to embrace the strongfaith that we are indomitable and invincible.


A case in point is the world famous star hurdler, Liu Xiang. He invariablyimagines positively that he can win in every hurdle race, never shrinking infront of other experienced players. That’s why he works wonders again and again.As for me, I am participating in the college admission examination for graduateswith thousands of competitors. Having prepared sufficiently for one year, I havepowerful self-assurance that I can cruise to my dream university. As the sayinggoes, our only enemy is ourselves. Only by building strong self-confidence canwe demonstrate grace under pressure and turn our dreams into reality.

