。罕台川水从它的前面流过,孤子梁与它临川相视,一道缆车临空飞架其间,形成一道大漠旅游的独特风景线。 响沙湾沙高 110 米,沙宽 200 米,地势呈弯月状,形成一个巨大的沙山回音壁, 多少年来迎接着日出日落的'辉煌,也拥抱着来自四面八方的中外旅客。
听了神奇的响沙声后,这里还为您 提供沙漠探险、骑马、骑骆驼、跳伞、打吧、射箭、沙浴、划船、游泳等沙漠旅 游活动。而乘坐临空飞架的缆车,更会让您领略大漠高空的壮阔美景。 在住蒙古包、吃手抓肉、品尝鲜奶与鄂尔多斯美酒之中,再听一曲连一曲的鄂尔多斯蒙古族民歌,您会进入“酒不醉人歌醉人”的境界里。夜晚,又是一热闹非凡的民族篝火晚会,把您带入“歌海舞乡”的美伦美奂中。
亲爱的朋友,您听说过沙子会唱歌吗?因沙子会唱歌而得名的响沙湾,位于鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗境内的库布其沙漠东端的罕台川西岸,东岸的孤子梁与它临川相望,一条索道临空飞架其间,形成大漠旅游的独特风景。响沙湾旅游区是国家4A级旅游区,现在正在申报5A级旅游区。 响沙,蒙古语为布日芒哈,意为“带喇叭的沙丘”。响沙湾是中国三大响沙之一,沙高110米,宽400米,沙坡斜度约50度,沙丘呈月牙形沙湾状。沙子干燥时,从沙丘顶往下滑,沙子会发出鸣响声,轻则如青蛙“呱呱”的叫声,重则像飞机轰鸣声,故名“响沙湾”。 响沙湾1984年开辟为旅游点。经过二十年的建设和发展,开发了丰富多彩的沙漠娱乐项目,如沙漠索道、滑沙、滑沙板、沙漠卡丁车、沙漠摩托车、沙漠冲浪车、沙漠滑翔伞、骑马、骑骆驼等。另外,在这里,您还可以欣赏到独具鄂尔多斯蒙古族特色的大型民族歌舞《鄂尔多斯婚礼》表演
等。 关于响沙的成因,当地流传着许多美丽的传说,但大部分都与藏传佛教寺庙有关。传说以前在响沙湾一带有一座喇嘛庙,里面居住着众多喇嘛。有一天,小喇嘛不服大喇嘛的管理,制造事端,鼓动喇嘛预谋造反,这时正巧云游四方的`神仙张果老倒骑着毛驴经过,他听到喇嘛们大吵大闹,非常气恼,心里想:如若不一心向佛,何时才能修得正果?一气之下就将鞋里的沙子撒落喇嘛庙上空。转眼间,金碧辉煌的喇嘛庙被沙漠覆盖,喇嘛庙和作孽的喇嘛们全部埋到了黄沙下面。然而,喇嘛们毕竟是佛家弟子,他们并没有死去,因而经常在下面诵经吹号,这样沙子便会发出响声。近年来,很多专家都在研究沙子的鸣响问题。有人认为,沙子作响是由于该处气候干燥,阳光长久照射,是沙粒带了静电,一遇到外力,就会发出放电的声音;也有人认为,是水的蒸发形
成蒸汽墙,它与月牙形的沙丘向阳坡恰好构成一个天然的“共鸣箱”,产生了共鸣作用;还有的人认为沙子的鸣响与沙粒的结构有关等。关于响沙成因的说法不一,目前尚无定论,至今仍是个谜,这便赋予了响沙湾更加神奇的魅力。有一位旅游界诗人饱含对响沙湾特别钟爱之情,将多次游览此处的感受吟诵成如下动人的诗篇:游响沙湾其一 其二年来久仰响沙湾, 大漠风光诚壮观――欣睹沙坡呈半环。 黄沙无际衔苍天。瀚海茫茫腾万浪, 数行足迹通峰顶,金沙漫漫耸千
山; 一阵驼铃绕沙湾;踏沙何惧双足烫, 游子动情痴伫立,登顶浑如赤脚仙。 雄鹰展翅乐盘旋。豪兴勃发连广
宇, 纵然雨后沙不响,折腰笑对大自然! 犹胜园林寺庙间。重游响沙湾响沙湾, 瀚海茫茫风光异,河两
头, 沙坡上下人如流。游人如织, 游乐当尽兴, 景观壮神州。 徜徉胜踟蹰!青天笼黄
沙, 归来欣然赴婚宴,大漠漫峰丘。 吃羊背子喝喜酒;碧空飘红伞, 弦歌悦耳诚劲美,飞人动悠
悠。 健舞赏心更悦目。索道凌空架,习俗真奇特,天堑变通途。 民风忒淳朴。下驼背,乘滑
板, 一代天骄子孙旺――听沙响――声呜呜。 鄂尔多斯蒙古族! 这些诗作,真是诗中有画,诗中有情,诗中有奇乐异曲,将响沙湾的自然景观、人文景观、天籁民风巧妙地组合成一部醉人的动感画面和交响乐章。朋友们,神奇的响沙湾难道不是您眷恋的人间胜境吗?
内蒙古响沙湾 -资料
响沙湾的沙漠面积约有1.6万平方公里,其沙丘上没有任何的植被覆盖,游人仅可借助阶梯攀爬至沙丘的顶部,利用双手的波动向下滑。此时,耳边就会响起“ 嗡嗡”之声,拨沙子的人越多,则沙丘的轰鸣声就会越大,其声响酷似飞机由远及近的声音,声音甚为奇特,
Dear friends, have you ever heard that sand can sing? Xiangshawan, which isnamed because sand can sing, is located on the West Bank of Hantaichuan in theeast end of Kubuqi Desert in Dalate Banner, Ordos City. Guziliang on the eastbank faces it. A cableway flies in between, forming a unique landscape of deserttourism. Xiangshawan tourist area is a national 4A tourist area. Now it isapplying for 5A tourist area. Xiangsha, Mongolian for brymanha, means “sand dunewith trumpet”。 Xiangshawan is one of the three largest resounding sands inChina. The sand is 110 meters high and 400 meters wide. The slope of the sand isabout 50 degrees. The sand dunes are crescent shaped. When the sand is dry, whenit slides down from the top of the sand dune, the sand will make a sound, whichis as light as a frog's “quack” and as heavy as an airplane's roar, so it iscalled “Xiangshawan”。 Xiangshawan was opened as a tourist spot in 1984. After 20years of construction and development, we have developed a variety of desertentertainment projects, such as desert cableway, sand slide, sand slide board,desert kart, desert motorcycle, desert sur→←fer, desert paraglider, horse riding,camel riding, etc.
In addition, here, you can enjoy the large-scale folk song and dance “Erdoswedding” with unique Erdos Mongolian characteristics. There are many beautifullegends about the origin of Xiangsha, but most of them are related to TibetanBuddhist temples. It is said that there used to be a Lama Temple in Xiangshawan,where many lamas lived. One day, the little lama refused to accept themanagement of the big Lama, made trouble, and encouraged the Lama to plan arebellion. At this time, the immortal Zhang Guo, who was travelling all over theworld, rode by on his donkey. He was very angry when he heard the lamas making alot of noise. He thought to himself: if he didn't devote himself to Buddhism,when would he get the right result?
In his anger, he scattered the sand in his shoes over the Lama Temple. Inthe twinkling of an eye, the resplendent Lama Temple is covered by the desert,and the lamas and the evil lamas are all buried under the yellow sand. However,lamas are Buddhist disciples after all. They are not dead, so they often chantsutras and blow trumpets below, so that the sand will make a sound. In recentyears, many experts are studying the sound of sand.
Some people think that the sound of the sand is due to the dry climate andlong-term sunlight. It is the sand particles with static electricity that makethe sound of discharge when they encounter external forces. Others think that itis the evaporation of water that forms a steam wall, which just forms a natural“resonance box” with the crescent shaped sand dunes facing the sun; Others thinkthat the sound of sand is related to the structure of sand grains. There aredifferent opinions about the cause of Xiangsha Bay, which is still a mystery.This gives Xiangsha Bay more magical charm. There is a poet in the tourismindustry who loves Xiangshawan very much. He recites the feeling of visitingXiangshawan many times into the following moving poem: for one or two years, hehas heard a lot about Xiangshawan, and the scenery of the desert is reallyspectacular. The boundless yellow sand holds the sky. The vast sea is full ofwaves, several lines of footprints lead to the summit, and the sands are longand towering; a camel's bell rings around the Sand Bay; when you step on thesand, you are not afraid of the hot feet, and the Wanderers stand in love, andthe summit is like a barefoot fairy. Eagles fly and circle. Even if the sanddoesn't sound after the rain, it's still better to smile at the nature. RevisitXiangshawan Xiangshawan, vast sea, different scenery, river two ends, sand slopeup and down people. Visitors like weaving, amusement when enjoy, landscapeZhuang Shenzhou. Wandering is better than hesitation! The blue sky cages theyellow sand. When you come back, you are happy to go to the wedding banquet, andthe desert is full of peaks and hills. Eat the goat's back and drink the weddingwine; the blue sky is flying with a red umbrella, the string song is pleasant,the sincerity is strong, and the flying people are moving. The dance is moreenjoyable.
Ropeway flying frame, customs really strange, natural moat into athoroughfare. The people are so simple. Hunchback, skateboard, a generation ofproud children and grandchildren - listen to the sound of sand - whine. ErdosMongolian people! These poems are really picturesque, sentimental and exoticmusic. They skillfully combine the natural landscape, cultural landscape andnatural folk customs of Xiangsha bay into a fascinating dynamic picture andsymphony.
My friends, isn't the magic Xiangsha bay the place you are sentimentallyattached to?
[extended reading]
Introduction to Xiangsha Bay
Xiangshawan was opened up as a tourist attraction in January 1984, listedas a national line scenic spot by the National Tourism Administration in 1991,turned into a private joint-stock enterprise in 1999, and rated as a national 4Ascenic spot by the National Tourism Administration in 20__. What's more proud isthat Xiangshawan was rated as a national 5A scenic spot in January 20__, whichis a super large comprehensive desert leisure landscape integrating sightseeingand leisure District.
Xiangshawan, the first desert resort in China, is a super largecomprehensive desert leisure scenic spot integrating sightseeing and leisure. Itis located at the easternmost end of China's famous Kubuqi Desert. It is thenearest Desert Resort in China to the mainland and Beijing. It is a nationalAAAAA scenic spot and a national cultural industry demonstration base. It hasthe longest camel team in the world - more than 500 peaks.
Xiangshawan tourist area is located in Dalate Banner, Ordos, 50 kilometerssouth of Baotou city. It is mainly characterized by desert landscape andresounding sand spectacle. In addition, there are Sand Lake, sand oasis,Mongolian customs and other landscapes.
The sand dunes are distributed continuously and the scenery is spectacular.The yellow desert is boundless. In the scenic area, there is a sand Bay 500meters long from east to west, which is in the shape of a crescent moon. Theheight of the sand dunes is 110 meters and the slope is 40 degrees. When thesand slides down from the top of the sand dunes, it will make a roaring sound,forming a famous “ring sand” spectacle. It is a rare natural landscape. Inaddition, riding camels and Paragliding here will make you excited andunforgettable.
It's really the most comfortable thing to slide here. When you sit on thesand dune and stretch your legs forward, when you slide hard, there will be a“buzzing” sound in your ears. With the acceleration of the sliding speed, thesound will become louder and louder, which is amazing. Riding a camel to explorethe sand sea is another kind of experience. On the swaying camel's back, thebright blue sky, white clouds and yellow sand are all far away, giving people anunreal feeling of wandering outside.