

环保英语主题演讲五分钟 篇1

Hello, my dear friends, it is my great honor to be here and give a speech. Today I want to talk about the importance of finding *me time

May I begin my speech by asking you a question? Do you often feel tired, stressed or worried? If you do have these problems, you are lack of me-time to relax yourself. Psychologist tell us that stress is caused by too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life . In my point of view, if you want to have a healthy mind and body, having your own me-time is very important

Let me take myself as an example. I was a carefree and outgoing girl before I entered the junior high school. I had much me-time and did anything I like after class. I kept a lovely pet and whenever I have time I played with her happily. However, the situation is quite different now. When I want to turn on the TV、surf on the internet or go out shopping with my friends, my parents always look at me seriously and say “ Don’t forget to spend more time on your lessons. If you don’t cherish every minute of your time, other students will catch up with you.”

So, every day, every moment, I am overwhelmed by all kinds of assignments. I become more and more silent and can’t sleep well before the exams because I’m dressed and worried about my results. I feel so tired and how I want to have me time to relax myself. I long for a period of time that I could walk in a small path in the countryside, sing my favourite song and smell the essence of nature

My dear friends, having your own me-time is important. I firmly believe that achievements depend on our health. If we want to have a more harmonious state to work better, we should find more *me time* and keep off the overwhelm stresses. Talks, jokes, games, fresh air or beautiful scenes will be helpful for you. Trust me, you’ll be more refreshable and energetic.

Thank you for your attention.

环保英语主题演讲五分钟 篇2

In order to support Beijing to hold the 20__ Olympicing increasingly serious, in which plastic shopping bags play an important role. in china about three billion plastic shopping bags are consumed every day, which results in a great waste of resources and heavy environmental pollution. luckily, the government has put a nationwide ban on the use of free plastic bags, demanding that all stores and supermarkets not provide customers with free plastic bags after june 1. the rule will undoubtedly reduce the use of plastic bags and enhance the awareness of environmental protection. it is highly advocated that we should turn to cloth bags and shopping baskets from now on.


plastic bags have found their way into a wide area of everyday life. they are applied in big supermarkets, ordinary shops, small stores and street markets. people put in plastic bags everything they buy. they no longer need to carry cloth bags, leather bags or basket bags with them when go shopping. obviously it is very convenient for plastic bags to be used in people’s everyday life. they are also very cheap. they are usually offered free of charge.

however, plastic bags also bring us side effects. some people throw away plastic bags causally. this causes the white pollution to our environment , which is very harmful because plastic bags can not disappear by natural decomposition. this is certainly not beneficial to our future.

people have to be careful with the use of plastic bags. they should make sure they put the sued plastic bags into the dustbin when they want to dispose of them. it also might be better for people to use the traditional cloth bags to hold the goods they buy instead of using plastic bags.

环保英语主题演讲五分钟 篇3

Granny liu, a distant kinsfolk, in a dream of the red mansions , claims kinship with the wealthy jia family, thinking that she may benefit from it in some ways. liu might have run away without any traces if the jia family had been a poor one. another saying goes “close neighbors are better than distant relatives.” the most difficult is to manage the relatives when doing business together, just as what the tv series program liu laogen discloses. it is all right to stay poor together, but as soon as the business grows prosperous, the group will become estranged and even dissolve because of the unfair distribution. family love is like a maze which we shouldn't go too far into it, otherwise, we'll surely get lost. love is a bilateral matter and unilateral love can only lead you to nowhere in spite of your good intentions. family love is, sometimes, like an arranged marriage, leaving no choices to you. due to the different experiences and tastes, staying together temporarily can be entertaining, while living together for a long time can only be boring due to the lack of common interest and understanding. how can we communicate with each other without understanding? parents have the duty to support the children who are not yet economically independent, and children have the responsibility to provide for the elderly parents who are lack of economic abilities to support themselves. except these two kinds of duties which we must fulfill, other kinds of love become conventional formalities such as paying visit to the sick or the dead and giving presents to the newly-born etc.

No love among relatives has become a normal phenomenon which needn't to be fussed about. what's worse is when love is contaminated by money. sooner or later we will get hurt. the sooner we get out of this net of love, the more we can preserve beautiful memories.
