"You got a dream, you gotta protect it. Don't ever let somebody tell youyou can't do something, or people who can't do anything try to tell you youcan't either." This is a line from the Pursuit of Happiness. There is no doubtthat happiness is the permanent state that everyone hopes to get in their life.However, not everyone can be strong enough to have it all the time.
Comments on the Pursuit of Happiness
One hundred people have a hundred understandings of happiness. Chris'spursuit of happiness in life lies not only in the endless pace but also in thepersistence of his dream. Chris is hard, he's lucky, he's hard.
Happiness for some people is food and clothing, is the company, but in thisfilm I saw the initial outline of happiness, is to adhere to, is to endure, isto make their own growth and become stronger. However, the success of all thisis nothing but rain and sunshine, dripping water through stone, only hard, canfind the ideal of the shape.
After watching the movie, I thought a lot. Everyone has a dream goal, somejust talk fast, some in countless hurry to bury it in this era. It doesn't meanyou can't be happy without dreams, but you can't experience the happiness ofdreams without dreams.
When I was young, happiness may really be a piece of candy; When you growup, happiness may turn into a smile and a helping hand. No matter how big thedream, no matter how much happiness, no matter how fast The Times, no matterwhether alone, please remember: the world has the ultimate reality, there is theultimate ideal.