

德伯家的苔丝读后感英文版 篇1

Finish Tess of the D 'Urbervilles in the afternoon. Hardy has been such a controversial figure, but I don't want to comment on the merits of this book. I want to say something very briefly about his woman, Tess.

See "infatuation woman" and "enemy road narrow" feel very sad, very depressed, tears in the eyes, finally tears down, also read, although the end, but really see the time still feel very uncomfortable, very sad. So many words came to mind, and I could only describe Tess in one phrase -- innocent beauty. She was a beautiful country girl, simple in spite of her noble blood. Beauty was not a matter of appearance, but of inner elegance and purity. Pure and natural, she is the daughter of nature. Her purity is like the blue sky, although occasionally covered by clouds, but when the clouds cleared, the world's purest and transparent blue sky is still.

I always thought that if there were no pastor's words at the beginning, maybe poor Tess would be a different life. However, the tragedy of Tess, a sixteen-year-old country girl, began here. Tess's stupid father suddenly know that he is a big noble descendants, in calculating how to enjoy the life of the nobility forced Tess to go kiss, the result of naive Tess met destroyed his life that person - Ya Lei. He was the eternal enemy of Tess's fate. Robbed Tess of all her dreams, and her ability to pursue them, and robbed Tess of her youthful innocence of longing. However, we that innocent girl, is still so pure, so simple to let a person cherish the woman.

Tess, determined to start a new life, went to work on a dairy farm hundreds of miles away, and there she met the second man she should not have met, or so I thought, at least, someone she really loved, but who I still thought had betrayed her love, in an act which I can only describe as hypocritical. If there is no Clay, Tess's whole body is tragically flat, but clay's appearance is behind the tragedy painted with more thick and heavy color of darkness. In fact, I believe that Clay loves Tess, or he would not have revealed his feelings while sleepwalking, but he is still bound by morality, can not accept this sudden everything.

It was because of Tess's characteristic purity that Clay fell in love with her and proposed to her. Tess herself was suffocated by the surging tide of love for Clay. He hurt that innocent girl with his love, gave her hope of happiness, and then killed it all. And she tortured herself with all her love. Tess through the pain of the heart struggle, decided to accept The love of Clay. But when Tess confessed her injured past to her loved one, the so-called lover hesitated, to the lover's incomprehension and unfirm feelings let Clay finally chose to leave.

Tess was heartbroken, when she helped her wound carefully show in front of the loved one, she hoped to understand, is to forgive, but the cruel lover in the weak Tess wound sprinkled a handful of salt. He was not a single-minded man, and perhaps we have seen his deep attachment to Tess, but when her distortion was contrary to the religion he despised, he had no choice but to retreat, and to retreat so liberally.

Tess in the future and a person to face life, but also to hide the truth of the facts to parents, pretend to be very happy, and from only a little living expenses to send money to parents, Clare's departure, Tess is engaged in the dirtiest and most tired work, endure the suffering of physical and psychological double. And where was the man who said he loved her? But she always remembered that her husband would forgive her one day. I can only say that she was really naive.

Tess likes Clay, and regards clay as the whole source of his survival, even he can be said to be her life-saving straw, so all her thoughts are to exist on such a character, but in the face of reality, how pale love is, beauty and noble blood lineage, perhaps is a trophy, but not a weapon. Maybe our Tess, she was just too naive.

Tess see back to the Clay pain to seize the door and go, Tess is also sad, can not restrain his inner hatred, picked up the knife, she has been humiliated and hardships vent in the knife head, stabbed to the man who destroyed her life. And ran down the dark road in pursuit of her angel.。.

Although Tess and Clay finally spent five days of happy time, but, for love revenge Tess end is still tragic. Everything is calm, Tess in the last part of her life finally experience the real honeymoon with her loved one, that is the last stop of her life, is the day of her final liberation. Her heartbroken, with dreams and regret to the end of life, in the last, is the longest, happy night.。.。.。 At the last sunrise of her life, she took her regrets about life and love to another wonderful world.

I just don't understand how a nice innocent girl could end up like this. What's wrong with her? Pretty? Naive? Self-esteem? Perhaps your innocence, kindness and sincerity are the source of your beauty as well as your sorrow.

德伯家的'苔丝读后感英文版 篇2

Tess is a tragic character, who should be responsible for this tragedy? I'm afraid many readers will assume that the villain, The young Master Yarek, is the culprit. As far as I am concerned, the cause of the tragedy is Yarek, but the end of the tragedy is Tess's nominal husband Clare. Yarek just stripped Tess of her chastity, and opened the prelude of the tragedy from the body; Clare abandoned Tess on their wedding night, spiritually leading to the development of the tragedy, and finally to the end of the tragedy. If Clare did not abandon Tess, did not wear that layer of false moral veil, there would not be the development and outcome of this tragedy.

The plot of the story is not complicated: the simple and beautiful countryside old niang Tess came to the noble d 'Urberville house as a maid, was the villain of the young master Yarek tricked into pregnancy, so by the neighborhood laugh and blame, began to fall into the abyss of pain. Later Tess met Clare from a rich pastor family, the two people really love each other. The night of the wedding Tess will be their past tragic experience to tell Clare, did not think of the return is the ruthless departure of Clare. Tess suffered unimaginable hardships, but no forgiveness or any news from Clare. Forced by the rough life, Tess in despair fell into the hands of Yarek again. Since then wake up Clare to find Tess, Tess regret. In order to live with the heart of love Clare, Tess killed the destruction of their life yarek. A few days later Tess was arrested, sentenced to be hanged for murder, Clare is in accordance with Tess's will, with her sister Lisa to start a new life.

In the novel, Hardy created a kind and beautiful girl Tess with vivid strokes and sincere emotions: As if "a pure and fresh daughter of nature", "she showed a dignified dignity in both disposition and aspect, like a queen", "her whole body was full of poetry, her every move was poetry, and she brought to life what the poet had written only on paper"。 Although Tess is a woman who lost her virginity, and even eventually became a murderer, the author still boldly rejected the concept of secular, praising her as "a pure woman", "far more than other virgins of freshness"。

苔丝英文读后感 篇3








德伯家的苔丝读后感英文版 篇4

Tess of the D 'Urbervilles is the masterpiece of Thomas Hardy, a famous British writer. The whole novel is set in the countryside and describes the tragic experience of a country girl's life throughout. The subtitle of the novel says that the mistress Tess is a pure woman, which is a kind of advanced thought and the author's criticism and dissatisfaction to the Victorian era at that time.

The so-called Victorian era was the period of Britain's industrial Revolution. In the Victorian era, the society advocated moral cultivation and modesty and politeness, and it was also a period of rapid development of scientific civilization. Many plots in the novel mentioned that there were priests preaching on the street, which also reflected these points. But because of this ethos of moral cultivation and modesty, many nouveau riche imitated the habits of aristocrats in order to elevate their status and enter the upper class. Yalei is one of them, his family is also a nouveau riche. It is because of not receiving the correct moral cultivation and polite education, it led to the rape of Tess and a series of tragedies such as forcing Tess to cohabit with him.

"Tess of the D 'Urbervilles" is written under the force of the society at that time, a pure, simple, hard-working rural girl Tess to degenerate. Tess in the pen of Thomas Hardy is an epitome of a woman who was just, pure, hard-working and yearning for a better future in the society at that time. She is full of love and trust to others. In the article, Tess was raped by Yaley and then did not hesitate to choose to leave Yaley back home, reflecting her inner innocence, she does not want to force herself to live with a person they hate very much together for a lifetime, her kind of pursuit of a better life in the future. Tess learned that he had been pregnant after returning home, not only did not transfer the hatred of Ya Lei to the child, but regardless of the blame of family and friends, without hesitation gave birth to the child and take care of him, but finally the child died. This reflects that Tess is very loving, her soul is noble, her morality is noble, but she was rejected by the society, was denied by the society at that time, considered that she is a immoral, sinful woman. On the surface, what the author wrote here was the tragic situation that Tess was criticized by the society instead of being sympathized with as a weak-witted and a victim. But in fact, what the author really wanted to reflect was a criticism of the hypocritical moral standards and ugly customs of the society at that time. The author Thomas Hardy criticized not only the hypocritical moral standards of the society at that time, but also the feudal traditional moral and ethical standards of the bourgeoisie represented by Clay, and Tess was the victim of such social customs at that time. Author Thomas Hardy reveals the malpractice and despicable side of this kind of social custom through Tess's tragic experience, and fully reveals its cruel and bloody side. Tess is the tragedy of society.

I think Tess's life is full of drama. The whole novel is about the tragic experience of Tess's ending, but there are often some seemingly accidental plots that seem to be predestined fate. For example, before Tess was violated, she quarreled with the maid of Yalei's house after the end of the dance, and Tess met Clay at the beginning but did not know each other, then met clay again and fell in love with each other and got married. They are full of dramatic colors, which can better reflect the author's real feelings and real social background customs and social bad habits, as well as a perfect interpretation of the description of Tess's tragic experience and the result of the novel. The whole novel is based on the main line of all the tragic events that happened after Tess's father learned that he was the descendant of a famous local warrior and asked Tess to go to her relatives, which better reflects that the cause of Tess's tragedy is not only social factors, but also the cause of her own personality error.

Still, Tess of the D 'Urbervilles is a very meaningful novel, and one from which many important things are learned.
