

短篇的英文诗歌 1

He knows He Has Wings Victor Hugo


What matter it though life uncertain be to all?何必去管它,人生总是无定? What though its goal Be never reached?有什么关系壮志难成? What though it fall and flee―又何必计较你蹉跌并败奔― Have we not each a soul?我们岂不是各自有灵魂? Be like the bird that on a bough too frail要像那鸟儿在柔弱的枝梢,To bear him gaily swings,


He carols though the slender branches fail―虽然那细枝折断了它仍歌唱― He knows he has wings!因为它知道自己有翅膀!

短篇的英文诗歌 2


There are gains for all our losses.

There are balms for all our pain:

But when youth, the dream, departs

It takes something from our hearts,

And it never comes again.






We are stronger, and are better,

Under manhood's sterner reign:

Still we feel that something sweet

Followed youth, with flying feet,

And will never come again.






Something beautiful is vanished,

And we sigh for it in vain;

We behold it everywhere,

On the earth, and in the air,

But it never comes again !






短篇的英文诗歌 3

A Farewel to Worldly Joyes Anne Killigrew永别了,尘世的欢乐安妮·基丽格鲁

Farewel to Unsubstantial Joyes,永别了,空洞的欢乐,你是

Ye Gilded Nothings,Gaudy Toyes,涂金的虚无,华丽的玩具,

Too long ye have my Soul misled,太久,你使我的灵魂迷途,Too long with Aiery Diet fed:太久,给它空气般的米黍:

But now my Heart ye shall no more但是我的心不会再被你迷惑,Deceive,as you have heretofore:虽然以前你曾经迷惑过我:

for when I hear such Sirens sing,当我听到这样的塞壬歌唱,

Like lthica's fore-warned King,像伊斯卡受到警告的国王,With prudent Resolution I以谨慎克制的决心,我将

Will so my Will and Fancy tye,坚决缚住我的意志和想像,

That stronger to the Mast not he,比他把自己缚于桅杆更紧,

Than I to Reason bound will be:我将使自己钳制于理性:

And though your Witchcrafts strike my Ear,虽然你的`巫术撞击我的耳鼓,

Unhurt,like him,your Charms I'll hear.无动于衷,像他,我倾听你的法术。

短篇的英文诗歌 4

The seasons (Robert Stevenson)

Spring is gay with flower and song,

Summmer is hot and days are long, Autumn is rich with fruit and grain,

Winter brings snow and the New Year again.

四季歌 (罗伯特'史蒂文森)





短篇的英文诗歌 5


Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound"s the sweep Of easy wind downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promise to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I SLEEP.

短篇的英文诗歌 6

The beautiful world At night, the stars are bright, the lights and the fireworks Decorated with this lovely and beautiful world You gently close your eyes, slender slender fingers brushed the quiet guitar It is gentle, harmonious, and lonely I look up at the vast blue sky It is not the decoration, reflected in my eyes No flourishing, only the most simple dream Beautiful dream, open the hidden in the heart of the closed door I hope, my dear, to be able to be happy in this world Guitar sound and silence of the day Send to the distance

Soothe the cold heart I turned and walked away Pull down the curtain I pray tonight Can once again have, the initial heart, the first dream

短篇的英文诗歌 7

A Dinosaur for Christmas

A dinosaur1 for Christmas is the only thing I need.

It doesn't matter if it's slow

or one that's built for speed.

A massive one, a tiny one

or one that's in between.

A dinosaur that's muddy brown

or bright and shiny green.

I don't care if it's big and tall

or really old and ugly.

I don't care if it's rough and tough

or soft and cute and snuggly.

A spiny2 one will do the trick.

A scaly3 one is fine.

As long as it's a living, breathing dinosaur, and mine.

I promise if you bring me one

I'll never ask for more,That's all I want for Christmas:

just one single dinosaur.

短篇的英文诗歌 8

What is love

Love is a star shrouded in morning fog

Without you

Heaven is hell

Li River War lovely, subtle shaking

This. . . Shy sweet embrace -

On your beautiful lips,

I preferred kissing instead of the language

My kiss is like the smoke from my heart a flame!










Yesterday kissed my happiness,

today has come to naught,

I received a sincere love

Always the total can not be sustained.

Women to men there is a way to be happy;

but unfortunately the way to a man trapped in there more than three thousand kinds!

Only among the only true love.

"What is love?"

"..." No one can answer.










短篇的英文诗歌 9

Yet Do I Marvel Countee Cullen



Is bailed by the fickle fruit, declare是他被变化不定的果子吸引,

If merely brute caprice dooms Sisyphus阐明是否仅仅因蛮横的任性,

To struggle up a never-ending stair.西西弗斯就注定得攀登无限高的阶梯。 Inscrutable His ways are, and immune上帝之道深奥莫测,

To catechism by a mind too strewn对人们的诘问置之不理,

With petty cares to slightly understand他们的`头脑塞满鸡毛蒜皮

What awful brain compels His awful hand他们的头脑塞满鸡毛蒜皮

Yet do I marvel at this curious thing:但我对这件怪事感到惊奇:

To make a poet black, and bid him sing!造出黑肤色诗人,令他唱吟!

短篇的英文诗歌 10


-by George MacDonald

The Sum is gone down,

And the moon's in the sky;

But the sun will come up,

And the moon be laid by.

The flower is asleep, But it is not dead;

When the morning shines,

It will lift it's head.

When winter comes, It will die---no,no, It will only hide,

From the frost and the snow. Sure is the summer. Sure is the sun;

The night and the winter, Are shadows that run. 眠


太阳已经落山, 月亮挂在天边;

太阳会再度露面, 月儿却消逝不见。 花儿虽已入睡, 但却并未开败;

曙光初照时分, 她又抬起头来。 纵使寒冬来临, 她也绝不凋谢;

不过暂且藏匿, 避开漫天霜雪。 夏天定会到来, 太阳将高挂中天; 不论黑夜寒冬, 都是过眼云烟。

短篇的英文诗歌 11

Anthem for Doomed Youth 青春挽歌 带中文翻译:

What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?

Only the monstrous anger of the guns.

Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle

Can patter out their hasty orisons.





No mockeries for them;no prayers nor bells,

Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, ——

The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;

And bugles calling for them from sad shires.





What candles may be held to speed them all?

Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes

Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.




The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall;

Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,

And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.




短篇的英文诗歌 12

He wasn't too good with a razor

and every time he would try

Kris Kringle would cut himself shaving,so badly it caused him to cry.

The townspeople laughed when they saw him

with cut marks all over his face.

He felt so embarrassed and foolish

he'd lower his head in disgrace1.

So one day he threw out his razor,and all of the townspeople cheered!

No longer would Santa be shaving.

Instead he was growing a beard!

But though he has given up shaving

and grown out a beard white and thick,most folks still remember those cut marks

and that's why they call him "Saint2 Nick."

短篇的英文诗歌 13

The Gardener 16 Tagore园丁集16泰戈尔

Hands cling to hands and eyes linger on eyes; thus begins the record of our hearts.手握着手,眼恋着眼;这样开始了我们的心的纪录。

It is the moonlit night of March; the sweet smell of henna is in the air; my flute lies on the earth neglected and your garland of flowers is unfinished.这是三月的月明之夜;空气里有凤仙花的芬芳;我的横笛抛在地上,你的花串也没有编成。

This love between you and me is simple as a song.你我之间的`爱像歌曲一样地单纯。

Your veil of the saffron colour makes my eyes drunk.你橙黄色的面纱使我眼睛陶醉。

The jasmine wreath that you wove me thrills to my heart like praise.你给我编的茉莉花环使我心震颤,像是受了赞扬。

It is a game of giving and withholding,revealing and screening again; some smiles and some little shyness,and some sweet useless struggles.这是一个又予又留、又隐又现的游戏;有些微笑,有些娇羞,也有些甜柔的无用的抵拦。

This love between you and me is simple as a song.你我之间的爱像歌曲一样的单纯。

No mystery beyond the present; no striving for the impossible; no shadow behind the charm; no groping in the depth of the dark.没有现在以外的神秘;不强求那做不到的事情;没有魅惑后面的阴影;没有黑暗深处的探索。

This love between you and me is simple as a song.你我之间的爱像歌曲一样的单纯:

We do not stray out of all words into the ever silent; we do not raise our hands to the void for things beyond hope.我们没有走出一切语言之外进入永远的沉默;我们没有向空举手寻求希望以外的东西。

It is enough what we give and we get.


We have not crushed the joy to the utmost to wring from it the wine of pain.我们没有把喜乐压成微尘来榨取痛苦之酒。

This love between you and me is simple as a song.你我之间的爱像歌曲一样的单纯。

短篇的英文诗歌 14

The moon is light.

The moon is gold.

The moon is like a boat.

I want to sit in it.

The moon is like a banana.

I want to eat it.

The moon is like Mum’s smile.

I want to kiss her.

短篇的英文诗歌 15

泰戈尔经典英语诗歌:当时光已逝 When Day Is Done


If the day is done ,

假如时光已逝, If birds sing no more . 鸟儿不再歌唱,

If the wind has fiagged tired , 风儿也吹倦了,

Then draw the veil of darkness thick upon me , 那就用黑暗的厚幕把我盖上,

Even as thou hast wrapt the earth with The coverlet of sleep and tenderly closed , 如同黄昏时节你用睡眠的。衾被裹住大地, The petals of the drooping lotus at dusk. 又轻轻合上睡莲的花瓣。 From the traverer, 路途未完,行囊已空, Whose sack of provisions is empty before the voyage is ended , 衣裳破裂污损,人已精疲力竭。

Whose garment is torn and dust-laden , 你驱散了旅客的羞愧和困窘,

Whose strength is exhausted,remove shame and poverty , 使他在你仁慈的夜幕下,

And renew his life like a flower under 如花朵般焕发生机。

The cover of thy kindly night . 在你慈爱的夜幕下苏醒。
