


  1、星期:Monday 缩写:Mon Tuesday 缩写:Tue Wednesday 缩写:Wed Thursday 缩写:Thu Friday 缩写:Fri Saturday 缩写:Sat Sunday 缩写:Sun

  2、月份:一月:January 缩写:Jan 二月:February 缩写:Feb 三月:March 缩写:Mar 四月:April 缩写:Apr 五月:May 缩写:May 六月:June 缩写:Jun七月:July 缩写:Jul八月:August 缩写:Aug九月:September 缩写:Sept 十月:October 缩写:Oct十一月:November 缩写:Nov十二月:December 缩写:Dec


  Unit 1

  do morning exercises做早锻炼 eat breakfast吃早餐 play sports做运动have English class上英语课 eat dinner吃晚饭 get up起床 climb mountains爬山 go shopping 购物 play the piano 弹钢琴visit grandparents看望祖父母 go hiking去远足 usually 通常often经常 sometimes 有时候

  Unit 2

  Spring春天 summer夏天 fall秋天 winter冬天season季节which哪个 best最好的 swim游泳 fly kites 放风筝 sleep 睡觉 skate滑冰 make a snowman堆雪人 plant trees植树 why为什么because 因为

  Unit 3

  January(Jan.)一月 February(Feb.)二月 March(Mar.) 三月 April(Apr.) 四月 May五月June六月 July七月 August (Aug.)八月 September (Sept.)九月 October (Oct.)十月November (Nov.)十一月 December (Dec.) 十二月 birthday生日 uncle叔叔 her她的 date日期

  Unit 4

  draw pictures画画 cook dinner 做饭 read a book 看书

  answer the phone接电话 listen to music 听音乐 clean the room 打扫房间write a letter写信 write an e-mail 写电子邮件 mom 妈妈 grandpa 奶奶 study书房

  Unit 5

  fly 飞 jump 跳 walk 走 run跑 swim 游kangaroo袋鼠sleep睡觉climb爬 fight打架 swing荡秋千 drink water 喝水

  Unit 6

  take pictures照相 watch insects观察昆虫 pick up leaves摘树叶do an experiment做实验 catch butterflies抓蝴蝶 count insects 数昆虫 collect leaves采集树叶 write a report写报告 play chess下围棋 have a picnic举行野餐 honey蜂蜜

  4、方位介词:in on under near behind up into(向。。。。里 ) down out of向……外 at在……

  5、疑问代词:what什么 what time什么时候 what day星期几 what color什么颜色which 哪一(个,件……) which one哪一(个,件……) who谁 why为什么 when何时 where哪里 how多么,怎样 how old多大,多少岁 how many多少(用于可数名词复数)




  one(序数词) first two(序数词)second three(序数词)third five(序数词)fifth six(序数词)sixth seven (序数词)seventh eight (序数词)eighth nine (序数词) ninth ten(序数词)tenth


  B、整十的基数变序数词:只要把末尾的y为不再+th.如:twenty—twentith fouty--foutyth

  C、几十几的数,只要把个位的数变序数词就行了。如:fifty-one(序数词) fifty-first eighty-three(序数词)eighty-third

  2、反义词:big(大的)-- small(小的)bad(坏的-- good(好的)bright(明亮的)-- dark(黑暗的)

  black(黑的)-- white(白的)beautiful(美的)- -ugly(丑的) cold(冷的)----- hot(热的)

  cool(凉爽的)----- warm(温暖的) come(来)----- go(去)cry(哭)----- laugh(笑)

  clever(聪明的)-- stupid(笨的)different(不同的- same 相同的 difficult(难的)- easy(容易的)

  dirty(脏的)--clean(干净的) day(白天)- night(夜晚) early(早的)-- late(迟的)

  fast(快的)---- slow(慢的)glad(高兴的)--sad(悲伤的) inside(里面的)--- outside(外面的)

  in(里面)----- out(外面) large(大的)----- little(小的) left(左)----- right(右)

  quiet(安静的)----- noisy(吵闹的)new(新的)----- old(旧的) loose(松的)----- tight(紧的)

  like(喜欢)----- hate(厌恶) open(开)----- close(关) quick(快的)----- slow(慢的)

  stand(站)----- sit(坐) short(矮的)----- tall(高的) short(短的)----- long(长的)

  thick(厚的)----- thin(薄的) thin(瘦的)----- fat(肥的)up(向上)------ down(向下)

  wrong(错的)----- right(对的)weak(弱的)--- strong(强壮的) young(年轻的)-- old(年老的

  3、近义词: pretty---nice have to (不得不) -----must (必须)

  like —love little —small learn—study usually —often look —see

  5、短词的完全形式:who’s=who is what’s=what is he’s=he is she’s=she is they’re=they are I’d like=I would like don’t=do not    I’d like to=I would like to can’t=can not let’s=let us   won’t=will not

  6、salty---salty (咸的) health---healthy(健康的) taste---tasty(好吃的) fun(形容词形式)――funny

  7、同音词too—two see(看见)-sea(海洋) for(为)-four(四) hi(喂)-high(高) no(不)-know(知道) by(通过)-bye(再见) son(儿子)-sun(太阳) our(我们的)-hour(小时) right(对的)-write(写) meet(遇见)-meat(肉) hear(听见)-here(这儿) there(在那里)-their(他/她/它们的) father(父亲)-farther(较远地)dear(亲爱的)-deer(鹿) pear(梨)-pair(一双/副……) it's(它是)-its(它的) who's(谁是)-whose(谁的) they're(他/她/它们是)-their(他/她/它们的)


  1、绝大多数的可数名词的复数形式,是在该词末尾+s。 读音变化:如:friend→friends; cat→cats; sport→sports;


  3、以O结尾的可数名词变为复数形式通常+es.如:tomato(复数形式)tomatoes, potato(复数形式) potatoes。但是特殊的有photo(复数形式) photos Zoo(复数形式)Zoos piano—pianos

  4、以字母y结尾的可数名词变复数,如果字母y的前面是元音(a, e , i, o, u),就在y后面直接加s。如:boy—boys. 如果字母y前面是辅音,则把y变为i, 再加es. 如:lady—ladies city—cities story--stories.baby—babies family—families butterfly--butterflies

  5、以ft fe结尾的词,变复数时,要变复f/fe为v,再加es.

  如:leaf—leaves photo

  6、不规的单词:foot—feet tooth—teeth man—men child—children

  7、单数和复数都是一样的词:sheep—sheepfish-fish deer-deer



  如:Read—reading drink—drinking eat—eating listen—listening jump—jumping wear—wearing Grow—growing collect—collecting do—doing

  2、以e 结尾的动词去掉e +ing

  如:Write—writing make—making ride—riding take—taking Shine—shining



  如:Sit—sitting swim—swimming put—putting run--running


  do morning exercises做早操 eat breakfast 吃早餐 have English class 英语课

  play sports做体育运动 eat dinner吃晚饭 get up 起床 climb mountains 爬山

  go shopping购物 play the piano 弹钢琴 go hiking 去运足 visit grandparents 看望外祖父母

  make a snowman堆雪人 draw pictures 画图 cook dinner 做晚饭 read a book 读书

  answer the phone接电话 listen to music 听音乐 clean the room 打扫房间

  have a picnic 去野炊 write a letter 写信 write an e-mail 写电子邮件 drink water喝水

  take pictures 照相watch insects 观察昆虫 do an experiment做实验play chess 下棋

  write a report 写报告 count insects 数昆虫pick up leaves 采摘树 叶 catch butterflies捉蝴蝶

  collect leaves 收集树叶

  六  四会句子

  Unit 1

  When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.

  When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.

  What do you do on the weekend? Usually I watch TV and go shopping.

  Sometimes I visit my grandparents. What about you?

  I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.

  Unit 2

  Which season do you like best? I like winter best. Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.

  Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the lake.

  Why do you like winter? Because I can sleep a long time.

  Unit 3

  When is your birthday? It’s in May. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bill’s birthday is in June, too.

  Is her birthday in June? Yes. What’s the date? June 9th .

  Unit 4

  Hi, John. This is Zhang Peng. What are you doing? I’m doing the dishes.

  I’m reading a book. Grandpa is writing a letter.

  Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.

  He’s writing an e-mail in the study.

  Unit 5

  What is it doing? It’s eating bananas. What is she doing? She’s jumping.

  What are they doing? They’re swimming. They’re climbing trees.

  Unit 6

  Are you eating lunch? No, we aren’t. Are they eating the honey? Yes, they are.

  Is he playing chess? Yes, he is. Is she counting insects? No, she isn’t.

  七、作文 (列举)

  My weekend

  There are two days on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I often do my homework in the morning, and I often help my mother do some cleaning. On Sunday, I often reading books in the afternoon. After dinner, I often watch TV with my parents. We often have a good time.

  My favourite season

  春天My favourite season is spring. The weather is warm. I can wear my sweater. I can fly kites. I can plant trees, too. The trees are green. The flowers are colourful.

  夏天My favourite season is summer. The weather is hot and sunny. I can wear my T-shirt. I can swim in the sea. I can eat ice-cream. The sky is blue. The clouds are white.

  秋天My favourite season is fall. The weather is cool. I can wear my shirt. I can climb mountains. I can go hiking, too.I can eat many many fruits.The trees are yellow.

  冬天My favourite season is winter. The weather is very cold. I can wear my sweater. I can skate. I can make a snowman, too. I can sleep a long time.

  My birthday

  My birthday is in June. It’s June 3rd. I often go shopping with my mother. I eat birthday cakes with my parents in the evening. I am happy on my birthday.

  My family

  There are five people in my family. They are my grandma, grandpa, dad, mom and I. Look! Grandma is watching TV. Grandpa is reading a book. Dad is writing an e-mail. Mom is cooking dinner. I am doing my homework. I love my family!

  A Field Trip

  It is a nice day. Our class will have a field trip today. Look! Here we are. There’re a lot of activities to do. Amy is watching insects. Peter is collecting leaves. They want to write a report. Mandy is catching butterflies in the woods. Tim and Bob are playing chess. Some of the classmates are having a picnic. There is a lot of delicious food to eat. Oh, who’s that over there? It’s Miss White. What is she doing? She is taking photos. We had a very good time. I’ll never forget this field trip.


  It’s 7:30 in the evening. Everyone is at home. My father is writing an e-mail. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. My brother is doing homework in the study. My sister is watching TV with me in the living room.







