

  Unit 9 My School(Lesson49~Lesson54)


  library, computer room, washroom, clinic,office, music room, first, second, third, floor, gym, art room, science room,between, boy, girl, teacher, student, this, our


  1 -Where is Binbin?

  -Heis in the library.

  -Whereis the library?

  -It’son the first floor.

  Andyis in the library on the first/second/third floor.

  2 -Do you have a gym/computerroom/washroom/clinic/office/music room/art room/science room in your school?

  -Yes,we do/No, we don’t.

  -Whereis it?

  -It’son the……floor, It’s between……and……

  3 This is our school, we have (a /an art room/)……, It’s on the first/……,It’s nice/beautiful. Ilove/like my school.

  4 -Helen, do you have a gym?

  -Yes,I have./No, I don’t.

  5 We are canadian students/children. We have……students/teachers in ourclass. We have 40 minutes for lunch/breakfast/supper.

  I’min No.2 school, class one, grade three.

  6 -Amy is looking at her test paper. She has a badmark. Here you are,Amy, I found your paper.


  Amy is in the……,she puts her paper in the garbage.

  Unit 10 MyClasses(Lesson55~Lesson60)


  Chinese, English, Math, PE, hard, easy,fun, boring, interesting, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,favourite, Why, my, friend, I’m=I am, good morning, good afternoon, meet, too, goodbye,turn on, turn off


  1 -Tom, do you likeChinese/English/math/PE/music/art/science/computers?

  -Yes, I do. It’s interesting/easy/fun 肯定回答

  -No, I don’t. It’s boring/hard (for me). 否定回答

  2 -What classes do you have on Monday/Tuesday/……?

  -I have Chinese/……

  3 Bill has PE on Monday. He likes math.He doesn’t like English.

  Lily has math on Tuesday. She likesmusic. She doesn’t like math.

  4 -What’s your favourite class?/What class do youlike?

  -Math./I like music.


  -It’s fun.

  5 -When do you havemath/English/Chinese/PE/computers/art/science class?


  6 -I have English class on Monday. 肯定式

  -I don’t have English class on Monday. 否定式

  Unit 11 After SchoolActivities(Lesson61~Lesson66)


  after school,activity, club time, play the drum, sing songs, draw pictures, play chess, doart projects, play soccer, go for a hike, have a good time, be going to, dance,turn right, bend down, dance to the music, Sunday, Saturday.


  1 -What do theydo on Monday?

  -They play thedrum.

  2 -What areyou going to do after school?

  -I am goingto play the drum/sing songs/draw pictures/play chess/do art projects/playsoccer/ dance/ride my bike/fly my kite. (I)

  -That’s soundsinteresting, I am going to……,too.

  3 -What is Lilygoing to do after school?

  -Sheis going to……

  Lily/Yaoyao/Jhon/Andy/Binbin/Billis going to…… (he,she,it)

  4Weare going to…… (we)

  Yaoyao andBinbin are going to…… (they)

  5 -Are you going to……? (you)

  -Yes, are you going to play?

  -Oh, yes, that sounds like more fun,just a minute.


  Unit 12 Revision(Lesson67~Lesson72)


  1 -What are you going to……/What is Lily going to……

  -We are going to……/ I am going to……/He(She) is going to……

  2 We have……/I have……

  3 -When do you have music class?


  4 -Do you like……?

  -Yes, I do./ No,I don’t. (单数)

  -Yes, we do./No,we don’t.

  5 -Where is Lily?

  -She is in the library on the first floor.

  Unit 13 My Home(Lesson73~Lesson78)


  living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, study,bathroom, balcony, garage, armchair, telephone, own, desk, teddy bear, closet.


  1 -Where is the cat?

  -It’s on the balcony. / It’s in the dining room.

  2-Where is the tiger’s room?

  -It’s in the forest.

  3-What’s in the forest?

  -There is a tiger./ There are twocats

  4 -Is there a bathroom/livingroom/kitchen/bedroom/study/balcony/garage in your home?

  -Yes, there is. 肯定回答

  -N, there isn’t. 否定回答

  5 -What room is it?

  -It’s the kitchen/dining room/bedroom/study/bathroom.

  6 Cookie is a naughty cat. Cookie goes to thebathroom,falls into the bathtub,knocks over the garage can, runs into thecloset.

  Unit 14 My Family(Lesson79~Lesson84)


  Family, people, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt,father, mother, brother, sister, cousin, cook, waiter, dentist, nurse, manager,taxi-driver, policeman


  1 There are ……people in my family. They are……

  2 -What’s your father’s/mother’s/grandfather’s/uncle’s/aunt;s/brother’s/sister’sjob?

  -He/Sheis a doctor/cook/waiter/dentist/nurse/manager/taxi-driver/policeman

  3 I’m ……,I’m ……years old, I’m from China/Canada/…….There are……people in my family, ……and me. 形容词性的物主代词

  4 -Can you swim/jump/……?

  -Yes,I can 肯定回答

  -No,I can’t 否定回答

  5 -Are you my mother?

  -Yes,I am. 肯定回答

  -No,I am not. 否定回答

  6 -Do you know my mom?

  -Yes.I do. 肯定回答

  -No,I don’t 否定回答

  7 -What’s ……like?

  Unit15 Family Activities(Lesson 85~Lesson90)


  Feed the fish, wash clothes, water the flowers, cookthe chicken, clean the kitchen, watch TV, listen to music, walk the dog,grandparents. On the phone


  1 -What are they doing? 主语是第三人称复数

  -Theyare cooking the fish/……

  2-What is Lily’s /Tom’s (she/he)mom doing? 主语是第三人称单数

  -He/Sheis cleaning the floor.

  3-What am I doing? 主语是第一人称

  -Youare doing……


  Unit 16 Revision(Lesson91~Lesson96)


  1 My father’s/mother’s/…… is my……

  2 -What’s it? -It’s a ……

  3-Where is it? -It’s on/in……the……

  4 -Who is she? -She is Lily.

  5 -What’s she doing? -She is cooking.

  6 -What’s in Tom’s room/the kitchen……? -There is/are……

  7 -What’s sb’s job? -He/She is a ……


  一、be 动词(与人称代词的搭配)



  第一人称I+am (注意:“I”无论何时都要大写,不管位于句首还是句中)

  例:I am a girl. I am twenty. I am Lily.

  (2) are

  第二人称you+are; 一人称复数we+are; 三人称复数they+are

  其他复数名词+are (注意:第二人称单复数同形,都为you)

  例:You are my good friend. We are in the same class.

  They are on the road. The books are on the desk.

  (3) is

  第三人称he(男) +is ; she(女)+is; it(不是人)+is;其他单数名词+is

  例:HeShe is a good student. It is a white cat.

  A dog is on that street.







I am=Im.

I am not

=I'm not ...

Am I?

Am not I?


No,I’m not.

You are

= youre

You are not

=You arent

Are you?

Are not you. ..? =Aren’t you?

Yes,you are.

No,you aren’t

SheHeIt is…

=SheHeIt is

SheHeIt is not… =SheHeIt isn’t…

Is sheheit…?

Is not sheheit…? =Isn’t sheheit…?

Yes,sheheIt is.

No,sheheIt isn’t.

We are=We’re

We are not…

=We aren’t…

Are we…?

Are not we…?

=Aren’t we…?

Yes,we are.

No,we aren’t.

They are


They are not…

=They aren’t

Are they…?

Are not they…?

=Aren’t they…?

Yes,they are.

No,they aren’t.

  例:I am(not) from London.

  My eyes are(not) small.

  My hair is(not) long.

  Am I a Chinese? 回答:肯定:Yes, you are. 否定: No, you aren’t.

  Is the cat fat? 回答:肯定:Yes, it is. 否定: No, it isn’t.



  例:What is your name? My name is Gao Buhan.

  Where areyou? I’m in the classroom.


  I用am; you, we, they是are;is连着he(他), she(她) , it(它);









