兹有身份证号购买 楼 房,面积 m2,总价款 元,首付金额 元。现需办理房屋备案手续费,用于 。x公司全权委托本公司员工代为办理房屋备案登记手续。
年 月 日
委托方(Principal):__________ 性别(Gender):____ 证件号码(ID Card/Passport):____________ 联系电话(TEL):________________
受托方(Principal):__________ 性别(Gender):____ 证件号码(ID Card/Passport):____________ 联系电话(TEL):________________
In consideration of the principal being the landlord of the property(Community name___________),located at NO.________ ________________District, ________, China.
Therefore, in principal’s name, and for principal’s use and benefit, said attorney is fully authorized hereby:
1. 代为签订房屋租赁合同
To sign a lease agreement with a third party on the behalf of the principal.
2. 代为收取和管理房屋押金和租金
To collect and manage security deposit and rentals on the principal’s behalf.
3. 代为办理租客入住的相关手续和相关事宜
To conduct relevant formalities and affairs of tenant’s occupancy.
4. 代为办理租客退房的相关手续,退押金以及相关事宜
To conduct relevant formalities of check-out, refund security deposit and conduct relevant affairs of the refunding.
5. 代为办理与该物业单元房地产出租相关的一切手续
To conduct any and all formalities in connection with the lease the said property on the principal’s behalf.
6. 代为支付一切上述房地产物业单元出租相关税费
To pay all relevant stamp duties incurred by the lease of the said property on the behalf of the principal.
7. 代为办理该物业及附属设备的维修,并代为支付相应费用
To arrange for repairs of the said property and its appurtenance, and make payment for relevant charges on the behalf of the principal.
The term of this power of attorney shall from____year____month____day to____year____month____day.
委托方(Signature of Attorney):____________
Date: ________________