

英语课三分钟自我介绍 篇1

Hello, everyone. I'm very happy to stand here and introduce myself. I hope I can have a good performance today.

I come from class grade. I studied in Czech Foreign Language Institute for several months. My friends also said that I am shy in class, but after class I am an extrovert.

I like to play, play and play. I have many hobbies, for example, I like reading books, listening to music, surfing the Internet I can study geography very well, my geography score is very good, but my English and Chinese are very poor, so I study in this class, I hope I can improve my English, I am determined to do my best, I am a cheerful girl, I always smile, because it can make everyone feel happy and warm, not like warm laughter, but warm, let your heart WAMI in the Jie I studied in the Czech Foreign Language Institute for more than a month. I also have a happy family with four male members: my mother, my grandmother and the people who live in my family.

My family always helps each other. It is a vibrant and happy family.

英语课三分钟自我介绍 篇2

my name is I am a 30-year-old girl. In Grade 7, I have long black hair and big eyes. I usually wear school uniform when I am in school.

I like to do a lot of things. For example, I like playing the piano very much. It makes me happy.

I also spend some time playing basketball. I am good at playing it. my Pe teacher usually asks me to show me in class.

I am very proud of my favorite subject english I think english is very important. If you want to go to other countries, you can talk to everyone in english. english is very interesting.

I love it. Finally, I would like to introduce my family. my family has five members.

my father, brother and I. we usually watch tV together on weekends. can you introduce yourself.

英语课三分钟自我介绍 篇3

一位同学首先介绍自己说:Hello everyone,I’m from river north......

“什么?”来自哪里?全场师生都蒙了,这位同学到底来自哪里?大家都陷入了短暂的思考。哦,对,他来自河北!河北被翻译成了river north,连英语老师也是头一次见,今天学到一个新词了!全场哄堂大笑!

这位同学刚介绍完,另外一位身材高大的同学站了起来,他首先介绍了自己叫什么名字,然后说:I’m from broad quiet。 broad quiet?嗯,中国应该没这个省,难道这位同学说的是我国的.某个市?广安?对,四川省广安市!不对,我来自辽宁省!全场又蒙了!broad quiet是辽宁啊,这真是长见识了。

接着另外一位同学也站了起来,身材不高,皮肤黝黑,“I am from lake construct!”,有了前面两位同学的介绍,大家这回都有心理准备了,lake的意思是湖、湖泊的意思,construct是建造、创立的意思,两个放在一起意思是“湖泊建造”?这是哪个省呢?“湖建”,终于发现了,是福建!这个翻译太有才了,跟福建当地口音结合不错,一般人真猜不出来是什么意思!全场再次爆笑!

这就是中国式英语的魅力,我们就是这么韧性,哈哈!其他还有很多省份的翻译:比如luck woods是吉林,mountain east是山东,upper sea是上海,fold river是浙江,inner guessing ancient是内蒙古等等。

小地名也有很多,door head valley是北京市门头沟,west double flag是北京西二旗,哈哈哈!

