hold on 不挂断电话,等一下;继续
on hold 暂停;尚未办理的事情;等候接听;把持住的(指有问题的)
get hold of 把握;抓住;得到
take hold 抓住;扛着;固定下来
hold in 抑制;约束
hold good 仍然有效;适用
hold up 举起
过去分词: held
过去式: held
现在分词: holding
I want you to stand beside me and hold the torch.
He has been trying hard to hold his temper.
The new football stadium can hold eighty thousand people.
I'll always be the one to firmly hold your hands.
They hold different views on this matter.
I fear that this fine weather won't hold much longer.
Executive power is held by the president.
We hold that all nations should be equal.
We held a party to celebrate our success.
Their forces had consolidated their hold on the area.
You have to get a good hold of this idea.
When you are climbing, you need to find a good hold to prevent you from falling.
There was an aeroplane hold again due to the heavy fog.
He has a tremendous hold over his younger brother.
He struggled to hold the bike down on the banked corners 拐过斜弯时他竭力将自行车把稳。
It is hard to get hold of guns in this country 在这个国家里要搞到枪支是很困难的。
They can't believe you can even hold a conversation 他们不敢相信你竟然能够把一场对话进行下去。
The country will hold democratic elections within a year 该国将在一年之内举行民主选举。
They're likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory 他们可能会举行清仓大甩卖。
Estonia said it too planned to hold a referendum on independence 爱沙尼亚称其也计划就独立问题进行全民公决。
Jane is determined to hold on to her fortune 简决心要守住自己的财产。
The couple hold the unfashionable view that marriage is a sacred union 夫妇俩对婚姻的看法很传统,认为婚姻是神圣的结合。
She can hold her own against almost any player 她几乎能和任何一名选手一较高下。
She was determined not to let the illness take hold again 她决心不让疾病再次击垮自己。
The group said it continues to hold 1,774,687 Vons shares 该集团称其继续持有,,股冯氏公司1,774,687的股份。
Democrats say arguments against the bill won't hold up 民主党人声称反对该议案的论点站不住脚。
They needed more time to consider whether to hold an inquiry 他们需要更多的时间来考虑是否进行调查。
Just hold tight to my hand and follow along 抓紧我的手,跟着我。
He stifled his temptation to take hold of Ivy and shake her 他压抑住想要抓住艾薇摇晃她的冲动。
It does hold you to certain standards of fairness 它的确能让你恪守某些公平原则。
A single CD-ROM can hold more than 500 megabytes of data 一张只读存储光盘能容纳500兆以上的数据。
"Tell them to hold all my calls, Theresa," she instructed her dresser “特雷莎,告诉他们我所有的电话都别挂。”她吩咐她的服装师。
Farmers apparently hold back produce in the hope that prices will rise 农民囤积农产品显然是希望价格能够上涨。
He continued to hold a lead in Angola's presi-dential race 他继续在安哥拉总统大选中占据领先地位。
hold的用法1:take hold of指“抓住”,比take hold(up)on常用;
We hold him innocent.We hold him to be innocent.We hold that he is innocent.
hold的用法3:hold sb by sth指“抓住某人的什么东西”。
She held me by hand.
hold的用法4:hold on to指“紧紧抓住”。
Hold on to my arm.