

故宫的英语导游词 篇1

Dear friends, hello. You are welcome to visit the Forbidden City. My name is Li Yizhang, you can call me lee or xiao li. Led by me today everybody together to explore the world heritage - the Forbidden City.

We first to know about the Palace Museum! The Palace Museum is located in the center of Beijing, used to be called the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City palace buildings are wood, yellow glazed tile roof, green white stone base, decorated with resplendent and magnificent painting.

Now we are in the front Chambers of the imperial palace is the palace of heavenly purity. Palace of heavenly purity is the main hall, the main of which was 20 metres high. The center of the temple is the throne, there are "legitimate" plaque. Palace of heavenly purity is the living quarters for the feudal emperor, the qing emperor kangxi to the emperor lived here before and dealing with affairs. After the qing yongzheng emperors moved to yangxin dian, but still played in the reviews, history and summoned liegeman appointed officer.

Now we came to the palace of earthly tranquility, in the Forbidden City is in the middle of the palace of earthly tranquility, yongzheng, west NuanGe for the sacrifice of the shaman. Its Middle East NuanGe for wedding bridal chamber, the emperor kangxi managment, two emperor, were held in the wedding. House there are many such as: east sixth, hand over tai temple, west sixth...

Ok, I will first come here, please slowly appreciate. And you remember oh! When browsing don't litter, don't touch items, don't trample objects, so you can see the air has a history of the Forbidden City. I wish you all have fun and play.

故宫的英语导游词 篇2

Ladies and gentlemen:

Everybody is good! My name is wang Dan, please call me Wang Dao, I am a travel agency "tomorrow will be better", I am your tour guide, we believe that our cooperation will be very happy.

Today we came to the Palace Museum, the Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City. In the Ming dynasty emperor yongle after seizing devotee, decided to move to Beijing, in 1406 started to build the palace, to the Ming yongle eighteen years (1420 AD) built. Palace city construction layout along the central axis spread out on both sides. Red Huang Wa, paintings carved beams, glittering. The house number crunchers, strewn at random discretion, grand magnificent. Toward Tun skarn Xun, like fairyland. In the era of the feudal monarchy, ordinary Forbidden City palace is located in the city center, 753 meters wide from east to west, north and south long 961 meters, covers an area of 723600 square meters, the ring around 10 meters high walls and a moat 52 meters wide, commonly known as TongZiHe. Walls all around of a gate, south of the meridian gate, the north said creature door, about to DongHuaMen, the xihua gate, the meridian gate and creature is exclusively for visitors. Ancient buildings in the city with a total area of about 160000 square meters. Forbidden City, the first part (the southern half) to taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace three main halls as the center, with mandarin, Wu Ying second temple, referred to as "the outer court", Ming and qing dynasties is the emperor to handle affairs, the place of the meeting and other important ceremonies. Three main halls built in high 8. 13 meters on the three layers of white marble stone stylobate. The hall of supreme harmony area of 2370 square meters, the high of 33. 33 meters, double-hipped roof hip roof yellow glazed tile roof, is the tallest building in ancient Chinese architecture existence, is the symbol of the feudal imperial power, the emperor DengJi, flower, wedding, queen title-conferring are held here. Baohe Palace roof is faced jehiel mountain type, inside lineage in song and yuan column "reduced" French, open space, in the qing dynasty is held banquets maharaja, position, etc.

Chinese astronomers will all the stars in the sky into three constant, 20 BaSu, thirty-one days district, one of the three constant is constant, and Chinese. Constant day city. So the ancients think of the Forbidden City is the seat of deeds, so called the purple palace. The emperor was the son of deeds, and to show its at the central, regal aura around the world.

Well, that's it for the one-day tour of the Forbidden City, we shall meet again, goodbye visitors!

故宫的英语导游词 篇3

Hello and welcome to visit the Forbidden City, the largest palace complexin China this afternoon. My name is he Chaozhen. Today I will accompany you onyour wonderful journey this afternoon. The Palace Museum is located in thecenter of Beijing, formerly known as the Forbidden City. It is the imperialpalace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, an unparalleled masterpiece of ancientarchitecture, and the largest and most complete existing ancient architecturalcomplex in the world. Known as the top of the five palaces in the world. ThePalace Museum was built in 1406 AD and completed in 1420. It was first built byMing Emperor Zhu Di.

The Palace Museum is 961 meters long from north to South and 753 meterswide from east to west, covering an area of 723600 square meters. The buildingarea is 155000 square meters. It is said that the Palace Museum has a total of9999.5 rooms. Actually, according to 1973 experts' field measurement, the PalaceMuseum has more than 90 courtyards and 980 houses, totaling 8707 rooms. Thepalace city is surrounded by a 12 meter high and 3400 meter long palace wall inthe form of a rectangular City, surrounded by a 52 meter wide moat, forming afortress with strict barriers.

The Palace Museum has four gates, the main gate is called Meridian Gate,the east gate is called Donghua gate, the west gate is called Xihua gate, andthe north gate is called Shenwu gate. Attention, we are now in the northernmostpart of the Forbidden City, Shenwu gate. Walking into Shenwu gate and passingthrough shunzhen gate, we are faced with a large mural, which is the archwaygate surrounded by Jifu gate, Yanhe gate and Chengguang gate. Behind it, thatis, to the south, is our famous imperial garden.

Yongle in the Ming Dynasty 15 years (1417) began to build, completed in 18years, known as the "palace after the court.". Qing Dynasty Yongzheng Dynasty,known as the "royal garden.". It is located at the north end of the central axisof the Forbidden City. The garden wall is 135 meters wide from east to west and89 meters deep from north to south, covering an area of 12015 square meters. Thebuildings in the park adopt the layout of central axis symmetry. The buildingsalong the East and West roads are basically symmetrical. Most of the buildingsin the park are built against the wall, and only a few exquisite pavilions standin the park, so the space is comfortable and wide.

The park is full of ancient cypress and old locust trees, with a list ofstone and jade seats, bronze statues of Jinlin and potted flower stake scenery,which adds to the changes of the scene in the park and enriches the level of thelandscape. The colorful pebbles on the ground of the royal garden are also verypeculiar. They can be inlaid into symbolic patterns of fortune, fortune andlongevity. There are more than ten LIANLI trees in the Royal Garden, most ofwhich are cultivated by pine and cypress. In tianyimen, there is one of the mostfamous LIANLI trees in the garden. The trunk of the tree is connected by twocypress trees, which grow very thick and luxuriant.

There is also a legend about LIANLI tree. It is said that during theWarring States period, King Kang of the Song Dynasty took Han Ping's wife he'sfamily as his concubine, and forced Han Ping to build Qingling terrace. Afterthe terrace was built, King Kang killed Han Ping. He was in agony at the news.When attending Han Ping's funeral, she jumped into the grave and died.

Out of jealousy and malice, the cruel king of Kang buried the corpses ofHan Ping and his husband and wife on the left and right sides of Qinglingterrace, not allowing them to be buried together. But the next year, on thetombs of Han Ping and he Shi, two towering trees grew slowly. The middle part ofthe trunk was close together and tightly connected. So later generations callthis kind of tree "LIANLI tree", which means the pure love between husband andwife. OK, let's go on. Ahead is Kunning palace.

It used to be the Queen's bedroom. In the Qing Dynasty, it was changed to aplace for worshiping gods and marrying the emperor.

Look, on the left side of Kunning palace, there is a stone like pancakewith a needle on it. This is the sundial, which is the ancient clock. Itsprinciple is to distinguish time by the shadow of the sun shining on the needle.Further north, there are Jiaotai palace and Qianqing palace, which together withKunning palace just passing by are called "the three rear palaces". Around theQianqing palace, through the Qianqing gate, is a large central square. It's likea dividing line, dividing the Forbidden City into two parts.

If you are tired, you can have a rest on the chairs around the square. Bythe way, do you remember that there are many bronze VATS along the way. Do youknow what they are for? (interaction) according to research, the buildings inthe Palace Museum are all brick and wood structures, which are easy to catchfire. Once a fire breaks out, if it can't be put out in time, it will spreadquickly, and turn this valuable and splendid building into nothing in aninstant.

For this reason, the builders of the Forbidden City pay special attentionto fire prevention, and set up these VATS in front of the palace, which arecalled "Menhai". Menhai is the "sea" in front of the gate. With the "sea" infront of the gate, the palace museum with brick and wood structure is not afraidof fire. Therefore, these vats are also called auspicious vats.

It is conceivable that our ancestors were very clever. Have you had a rest?Let's move on. This is the most famous and magnificent "three halls" of theForbidden City: Taihe hall, Zhonghe hall and Baohe hall. Because we are goingfrom south to north, we see Baohe hall and Zhonghe hall first. Up to now, thesurrounding area is much wider than just now, which also shows the gap betweenthe "front three halls" and "back three halls" of Bauhinia city. We shouldobserve the details of everything. Let's take a look at the steps on the sole ofour feet. They are made of marble, and their patterns are very beautiful.

These patterns are mainly auspicious clouds, surrounded by a few dragons.Their appearance is vivid and lifelike, which fully reflects the wisdom of theancient working people of our country.

故宫的英语导游词 篇4

Dear tourist friends

Today, let me show you around the Forbidden City.

Located in the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City is the imperial palaceof Ming and Qing Dynasties, also known as the Forbidden City. The Palace Museumwas built from the 4th to 18th year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty, which is nowknown as 1406 to 1420. The Forbidden City in Beijing is the top five palaces inthe world. The other four palaces are the palace of Versailles in France, thepalace of Buckingham in England, the Kremlin in Russia and the White House inthe United States. The Palace Museum is 961 meters long from north to South and753 meters wide from east to west, covering an area of 725000 square meters. Thebuilding area is 15. 50000 square meters. Is the Forbidden City big enough!

It is said that there are 9999 people in the Forbidden City. Five rooms,someone has made a figurative metaphor: if someone starts living from the birth,they can live until they are 27 years old. According to 1973 experts, there are8704 rooms in the Palace Museum.

The Palace Museum has four gates. The main gate is called Meridian Gate.There are five holes in the Meridian Gate. Its plane is concave, magnificent.Behind the Meridian Gate, there are five exquisite white jade arch bridgesleading to the Taihe gate. The east gate is named Donghua gate, the west gate isnamed Xihua gate, and the north gate is named Shenwu gate. The four corners ofthe Forbidden City have exquisite turrets, which are 27 meters high. 5 meters,Cross Ridge, triple eaves, surrounded by mountains, multi angle crisscross, isthe structure of the building.

The back door is Shenwu gate, which was called Xuanwu Gate in Ming Dynasty.Xuanwu is one of the four sacred beasts in ancient times. In terms of location,the left green dragon, the right white tiger, the front rosefinch, the backXuanwu, and Xuanwu dominates the north. Therefore, the north gate of theImperial Palace is mostly named Xuanwu. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi ofQing Dynasty, it was renamed "shenwumen" because of taboo. Shenwu gate is also agate tower form, with the highest level of double eaves veranda roof, but itsmain hall has only five bay plus Gallery, no left and right forward extension ofthe two wings, so in the form of a lower level than Meridian Gate. Shenwu gateis the entrance guard for daily access to the palace. Now Shenwu gate is themain gate of the Palace Museum.

Donghuamen and xihuamen correspond to each other. There are Xiama stelesoutside the gate. The golden water inside the gate flows to the north of HenanProvince. There is a stone bridge on the top of the gate, and there are threegates in the north of the bridge. Donghua gate and Xihua gate have the sameshape, with rectangular plane, red platform, white jade xumizuo, and threecoupons in the middle. The coupons are square outside and round inside. On theplatform of the city, there is a tower with yellow glazed tiles and double eaveson the top of the hall. The tower is 5 rooms wide and 3 rooms deep, withcorridors on all sides.

The first three halls are the largest buildings in the palace, covering anarea of 8 square meters. 50000 square meters, which is 12% of the palace city,while the latter three temples are 25% of the former three palaces, which areexpected to decrease in turn, mainly highlighting the main position of theformer three palaces and the latter three palaces. In 1961, it located the firstbatch of national key cultural relics protection units in China.

Well, you can move freely. Pay attention to safety and keep the scenicspots clean. Have a good time.

故宫的英语导游词 篇5

Welcome you to Beijing's Forbidden City! Also called the Forbidden City, here are two generations of the Ming dynasty in the imperial palace, for our country is now the largest and most prosperous of ancient architectural complexes, an area of 15500 square meters, more than 9000 houses. Around the Forbidden City has 10 meters high walls, corners of the wall have a magnificent strange watchtower.

From the meridian gate to enter the Forbidden City, and then along the central axis, in turn, to visit the jinshui bridge, the gate, taihe palace, zhonghe palace, Ming palace, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility, the imperial garden. Visiting the imperial garden, can pass to the left of the garden door into the east sixth in turn to visit the palace of gathering excellence, yi kun palace, YongShou palace, salty fu palace, longevity palace, tai chi temple, and then the right door to dry bright square, east into the inside the left door, can, in turn, to visit the jubilee palace, yonghe palace, palace, sunell group by the palace. Visiting the east sixth changqing gate along the east, and then enter the emperor extremely door, can visit Huangji Palace, tranquility and palace, actors floor, chang pavilion, temple raises a gender, the qianlong garden, zhen princess well, finally a zhen shun the west door the creature can leave the palace door.

Today I can give you when I feel very honored to guide, I followed all of you to visit the beautiful Beijing the imperial palace, spent a happy day. I hope you come back to Beijing the imperial palace please when I when the tour guide, I can better explain the beautiful palace.

故宫的英语导游词 篇6

Dear tourists, Hello! I'm your guide. My name is Lin. please call me Linguide. Nice to meet you. Now I'm going to show you around the Forbidden City inBeijing and enjoy our cultural heritage.

Now let me give you a brief introduction to the Forbidden City: theForbidden City is the imperial palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties in China, andit is also the largest and most complete ancient architectural complex. I hopeyou will be civilized tourists when you visit. Do not litter, do not touchobjects, so that we can enjoy the historical atmosphere of the ForbiddenCity.

Now we enter the gate of the hall of Supreme Harmony, and the grand palacesare at the banquet. The biggest wooden building in front of us is the hall ofsupreme harmony. It is a symbol of imperial power, whenever there are majoractivities, the emperor held here.

In the back of this row of resplendent palaces are Zhonghe hall and Baohehall. After touring the magnificent Taihe hall, you must be tired. Let's have arest here. You can walk around and have a look. We'll gather at the gate of theRoyal Garden in 20 minutes.

It's time for a break. Everyone's here. I want to ask if you can feel thestrong flavor of life here? All the daily necessities here were first-class atthat time, and the outdoor place in the harem was the imperial garden. Itspattern, compact layout, antique, dotted with flowers and trees. Very beautiful.Pavilions and pavilions depend on each other. It's a nice place with pure heart,elegant and pleasant.

This is the end of the tour. Have a good time! Thank you!

故宫的英语导游词 篇7

Hello, tourists. I'll show you around the Forbidden City.

First of all, let me introduce the general situation of the Forbidden City.The Forbidden City used to be called the Forbidden City. It was the imperialpalace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The Forbidden City covers an area of morethan 720000 square meters and has a history of 600 years. 24 emperors of Mingand Qing Dynasties lived here. There are more than 8700 palaces in the ForbiddenCity, which is the largest and best preserved palace complex in China and theworld. These palaces are arranged along the central axis and spread out on bothsides. They are symmetrical in left and right. The pattern is solemn and grand.In a word, when you enter the palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties today, you willenter the treasure house of Chinese civilization.

Meridian Gate is the main gate of the palace, because it is located in thesouth of the Forbidden City, so it is called Meridian Gate. Donghuamen is theeast gate of the Imperial Palace in Ming Dynasty, which corresponds to xihuamenfrom east to west. On the high wall of the Forbidden City, there are fourexquisite turrets. They are like four pearls, inlaid in the high wall, they arenot only our country, but also the world's architectural products.

In the wide taihemen square, there is a royal road paved with blue andwhite stones in the middle, which only the emperor could walk. From the north ofTaihe square, on the tall and beautiful white jade platform, there is amagnificent building called Taihe hall, which is also called Jinluan hall. Thebase of this white marble platform is as high as 8 meters, higher than thecurrent two-story building. Among all the palaces in the Forbidden City, Jinluanhall is the most respected. The highest level ceremonies and ceremonies wereheld here.

When we stroll among these palaces, we can not only touch its bricks andtiles, but also appreciate precious cultural relics such as bronze, jade,calligraphy and painting, jewelry, etc. You will not love enough, nor seeenough

故宫的英语导游词 篇8

Dear visitors, welcome to Beijing's Forbidden City. Today by me to introduce you to the scenic spot here.

Please follow my steps, in front of us is the famous Palace Museum. Good, through the gate, we came to the palace to katyn three hall - the hall of supreme harmony, the largest temple folk known as "during". It was built in the eighteenth year of Ming yongle in 1420, the qing emperor kangxi thirty-four years was rebuilt in 1695, how much you guess the hall of supreme harmony is high, how much area? Yes, it is 35 meters high, is the area of 2377 square meters, about 55 as big classroom, by the 72 big pillars supporting the full weight, is the tallest building in the Forbidden City. You look! Inside is decorated splendid, right in the middle of a throne, throne and between the 6 panlong hypostyle column and to highlight the status of imperial inevitability. Using nanmu carve dragon throne, Kowloon paint gold and become, can be fine!

All right, front came to zhonghe palace. Neutralization hall of the temple of planar square, yellow colored glaze four saving pointed to can be magnificent! You know what? Then the emperor is here to kiss offerings, reading book.

We go forward together with me, the most prominent is the dragon carving on the clearing. This is the largest of the Forbidden City a stone. Stone long 16. 57 meters, width 3. 7 meters, the thick one. For more than 7 meters, weighing two hundred tons! You can close to see, the stone engraved with wrap around branch lotus patterns, the lower, for the briny river limit middle foil carved with cloud nine dragons playing and states dragon, dragon lifelike, fine carving.

Today's explanation to this end, we can visit on their own. I want to remind you: pay attention to see anything can't touch, in order to protect this rare cultural relics. We set here after 20 minutes. Good bye! I wish you all have fun.

故宫的英语导游词 篇9

Everybody is good! I am Forbidden City tourism YanJian you can call me xiaoyan tour guide, I want to go with you today Beijing famous scenic spots: the Forbidden City. We went there today: taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace.

I mainly introduce the palace first: Beijing's Forbidden City, is one of the world's largest and best preserved ancient palace complex, is the highest level of ancient Chinese architecture. Beijing the imperial palace, the Ming dynasty yongle four years (1406), was built in the eighteenth year (1420), is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, the timely according to the Forbidden City, beginning in 1925, according to the Forbidden City. Ancestor cheng, Beijing from 1421 to 1911 revolution to overthrow the qing government, the last emperor pu yi out of the palace, to end the rule of feudal dynasty in Chinese history, the palace has been the ruling class of the political and cultural center of China, has experienced the 24 emperors.

The Palace Museum covers an area of 720xx0 square meters, construction area of 150000 square meters, the existing buildings of more than 980, have house more than 8700, around the Forbidden City around 10 meters high walls, and there are more than 50 meters wide moat. The middle of the Ming and qing dynasties imperial palace was built in the city, to the north and the south central axis, faces south, which fully reflect the supreme imperial power of the feudal rule, outside the Forbidden City is emperor city, outside the imperial city and Beijing city, the city surrounded by city, shows the guarded hierarchy. In history, the Forbidden City has repeatedly reconstruction for fire and other reasons, but the basic pattern has not changed, the entire palace after the building is divided into north and south power at the two parts. Power with taihe, neutralization, and three main halls, are the three main halls in the Forbidden City's tallest building, it is the place where the emperor held a major ceremony, is the symbol of the feudal imperial power.

Back to the palace of heavenly purity, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility of delivery as the center, around something natural to wing, is the emperor, empress, wives, princess lived. Power after the katyn, clear-cut, cannot overstep casually, embodies the ancient Chinese traditional hierarchical, both inside and outside have other ethics. Craftsman will such a large scale of Chinese architecture planning in order to use heavy doors and courtyard to the imperial palace and orderly combination into the magnificent buildings. The Forbidden City planning and construction of the Ming and qing dynasty, not only inherited the tradition of ancient Chinese architecture, the development and innovation, is the ancient Chinese culture and the achievements of the ancient Chinese architectural art. Its indoor and outdoor architectural space combination, the collocation of cubic construction size, the use of materials, the sketch of the display, decoration, the choice of the color are reached the high level, the exciting art effect.
